It takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for
someone to evaluate you when you meet for the first
time. In this short time, the other person forms an
opinion about you based on your appearance, your
body language, your demeanor, your mannerisms, and
how you are dressed.
Workshop Objectives
This seminar will provide participants the essential tools
for making a positive impression the first time by
developing and enhancing the skills they will need to
meet the demanding social and professional situations
you will face in the workplace. It is designed to enhance
participants skills in:
Feeling confident when interviewing for jobs,
building your career and within the overall
Feeling confident at social events.
Dining in a restaurant with your boss or clients.
Interacting and team-building with your
Meeting and Greeting.
Skillfully employing the powerful impact of
Creating a “Personal Brand” to enhance
chances for career success. Using First Impressions to make a lasting
impression at career fairs.
Upon completion of this workshop students will have
the essential social skills that will give them the
confidence to successfully handle these situations in
the classroom and workplace.
Duration: 2 Hours
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