Career Connectionz

Set Yourself Up For Success!

Our team has assembled a variety of interactive and engaging training seminars designed to help you succeed in the workplace.

First Impressions

This seminar will provide participants the essential tools for making a positive impression the first time by developing and enhancing the skills they will need to meet the demanding social and professional situations in the workplace.

Social Etiquette

The Social Etiquette Seminar is designed to prepare participants for the new and demanding social and professional situations they will face in the university environment, social situations, business interactions, and at the dining table.

Business Networking

Participants will develop the skills to set career goals, develop strategies for achieving them, take action, and make changes as necessary. Their first job will not be their last job-therefore they will learn to use networking as a long term process.

Resume Building

The main purpose of a resume is to get you in the door for a job interview. In today's competitive job market, it's more important than ever to make your credentials stand out above the crowd. We will provide detailed explanations, as well as step-by- step processes, for creating an effective resume.

Managing Your Money

This workshop offers solid information and hands-on activities to build money management skills, including the importance of good credit, budgeting, and goal setting. Students will gain new insight into their spending and saving habits; learn how to avoid pitfalls, and develop strategies for financial success.

Communication Skills

All of us are constantly in a state of giving and receiving communications. Problems arise when one does not receive or understand the message sent in the communication as it was intended, or when one subconsciously sends a nonverbal message that contradicts the spoken word.

Interviewing Skills

A highly interactive and practice driven seminar to provide students with the tools to be successful in their job search. This seminar will help prepare students to effectively tell their story and tell how they can fit with and contribute to an organization. Effective strategies are used to enhance success.

Goal Setting

Goal setting and measuring have become a very important part of corporate work cultures. Research shows, it has been termed and described as one of the basic reasons for enhancing productivity in organizations. Goal setting is the foundation for personal and workplace success.

Athlete Symposium

The From High School To College Freshmen Athlete Workshop will help first year student-athletes understand and cope with academic, social, athletic and personal pressures related to the transition from high school to the university. Adjust to academics, athletics and life on campus.

Interested in learning about the Visionz Curriculum?

We have assembled a wide variety of training curriculum and courses focused on driving your success. Learn More...

Visionz Consulting Services

The Visionz Group will fill the soft skills development needs of students, employees and athletes by partnering
with organizations to provide a series of Soft Skills, Life Skills and Professional Development workshops.


For a long time, the focus in industry and related fields was on 'hard skills'. These skills were more job specific and were actually related to production. However, in the field of employment, employers today are looking for the candidate who have mastered the soft skills and training in personality development.



The Visionz Group's Corporate Training and Support Program is designed and can be customized to for employees at all levels. Our strategy allows us to customize each program to meet the needs and objectives of your organization.



Our workshops will help athletes understand and cope with academic, social, athletic and personal pressures related to the transition from high school to the university. New student-athletes will be provided with practical life skills strategies to help them adjust to academics, athleticsand life on their own.


Have any questions?

Let us know if you want to know more about our seminars or consulting services.